Experience in organizing successful outdoor events

Outdoor events are currently the most popular form of event organization with open space, novel style with a much larger capacity than other types of organizations. In order to organize a successful outdoor event, what issues do you need to pay attention to?


Outdoor events are currently the most popular form of event organization with open space, novel style with a much larger capacity than other types of organizations. In order to organize a successful outdoor event, what issues do you need to pay attention to? Let's find out in the following article by Bo Decor. We are the best event company in Hochiminh! Let’s come to us and enjoy the best support!

The master plan for outdoor events

Car parking

Outdoor events are often very limited in terms of parking space as often these places will not have available parking lots like in hotel restaurants. Planners usually have to arrange parking areas and custodians by themselves. To do this, you need to have reasonable calculation and arrangement of parking areas with enough space for all cars of the guests attending the event. At the same time, the security team ensures the best keeping for customers' assets.

Event decoration

Each event needs decoration and creativity with different styles to create its own beauty and uniqueness. You need to define the purpose and main theme of the event to come up with suitable outdoor event decoration ideas. Besides creativity, the decoration also needs to have the appropriate arrangement and choose the right theme with the nature of the event.

Contingency plan

Outdoor events are highly dependent on weather factors. There are many possibilities that could result in your event being missed or delayed. Therefore, to ensure the best outdoor event always happens, in addition to choosing a reasonable time, you must always prepare backup plans for the worst possible situations, which makes sure the event is always going on as planned.


For each event, the dining menu is an extremely important part of the customer's psychology. In order to have the most suitable and perfect menu, you must choose and evaluate carefully based on the venue, the nature of the event, and the taste of the majority of customers. Food and drink should ensure food hygiene and safety and at the same time be calculated to be sufficient for all guests, avoiding excessive shortages or redundancies resulting in waste and cost.


Hygiene is always an important issue in outdoor events. You need to ensure the best hygiene in the event area by having multiple disposal spots or by cleaning staff regularly during the event. In addition, cleaning and ensuring cleanliness before and after the event also needs special attention to return the venue in the best way after the event.


Because it is an outdoor event, it is also difficult to avoid cases of scuffing or pickpocketing, theft, and more. Therefore, when organizing an outdoor event, you need to arrange a security team. The event works out best.

Above is the sharing about the experience organizing outdoor events of Bo Decor. Hope the above information will help you better prepare for your upcoming outdoor events.

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